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This blog consists of biweekly progress checks for Eli's group senior thesis capstone short film,  The "I.R.S."  in 2021



- Second pass of animation polishing was applied. Render was inconsistent and spotty with technical issues, but will try to fix this week.

I also worked more on the 2D chalkboard animation, seen at the end here:


-Animatic shots I quickly finished my sequence of animatic storyboards, consisting of the Scene 03 to Scene 04 transition and action fight. I hope to work on finishing the missing frames in the middle and fix our story changes of the ending with removal of the elf bus driver.


- Old Man skin weights with clothes fixing.

Marvelous Designer isn't the best with exporting mesh to bind to rigs. Vertices on seams are often time not merged and causes holes to appear.

- Grim Reaper

I helped rerig the Grim rig because the control curves couldn't be keyed unless specifically clicked in Maya's Outliner. I quickly rerigged this but found the fingers were duplicated in the modeling process, and asked Aracely for the original geometry which was then given, .

Concept Art

- Muerto scissors weapon design

Owen went to model the scissors, but I plan to help texture! I wanted this to be like alebrije, matching Muerto's Mexican culture.

Animation - First pass animation and camera block out for 'scene' 2 where Grim, the teacher, catches Muerto and Shiné in the classroom fight and tells them their punishment assignment via chalkboard.

I added the red eyes and scythe to Grim for better clarity, as we planned to have his head filled with billowing smoke and glowing red eyes.

Rigging - I fixed rig issues on Muerto and Shiné to help with the mocap pipeline. I made a tutorial here for the future Mocap team!


-Animatic shots There's more need for new animatic frames this semester compared to last. Thus, I'm able to be motivated to do 2d animatic frames, as well as for the use of my storyboarding reel.

I'm close to finishing this sequence and timing it out. This animatic scene is the heaviest in the short and has taken me about over a year to complete, among other school work.

'As punishment for wrecking a classroom in a fight, two student grim reapers have to learn to work together to reap a cunning old man who refuses to die.'

Some images have been resigned for data storage

Feel free to  contact for additional images

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