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This blog consists of biweekly progress checks for Eli's group senior thesis capstone short film,  The "I.R.S."  in 2021


Although we didn't have much to show for this check in due to finals, I helped create thumbnail storyboard cinematography for some missing shots for better story transitions, during a final group critique of the semester.

A shot of Grim shaking his head at Muerto and Shiné before boarding the bus after the first failed attempt.

After sitting down, the two kids sit grumpily while leaving the Old Man's house [middle].

Animation I volunteered early in this production to create a post-composition 2D animation for a chalk board. This will be a humorous tutorial for the students (Muerto and Shiné) of how to go to Earth from the International Reaper School and reap a soul. Made in a day during the Winter break, in which we weren't encouraged to work on anything.

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- Third pass animation for battle scene Because of the rigs not being properly skin-weight painted, each of us for our own shots had to learn post-comp cloning in Adobe After Effects to fix mesh clipping, but I prefer Nuke.

-Mocap Gillian, Riley and I went to the DAC for a mocap session on Nov 13th during class. We hadn't had a plan of what exactly to animate, so we recorded walk cycles and difficult scene gestures.

With no good tutorials out there I had to figure out how to connect it to Advanced Skeleton rigs, but turned out easier than I thought with some clicks.

Modeling - Old Man clothes I added stylistic pockets and seam ends

Animation - Second pass of first battle

Modeling - Old Man clothes WIP I also volunteered to make the Old Man's clothes using Marvelous Designer.

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'As punishment for wrecking a classroom in a fight, two student grim reapers have to learn to work together to reap a cunning old man who refuses to die.'

Some images have been resigned for data storage

Feel free to  contact for additional images

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